Coner Murphy

Published on 9 Oct 2022 | 4 Minute Read

#53 - The Perfect Landing Page

The easy part is building the product, the hard part is marketing it and getting users. That's where having the perfect landing can help you out...

Photo from Unsplash
#53 - The Perfect Landing Page

Hey Friends 👋

This last week I've been working on my new SaaS product, Harken. During the week, I've been planning out various technical details like how to store user data in the database and how to interact with the various APIs required for the product to function.

And, while I've been sharing this work in public as part of the building in public community on Twitter, what dawned on me is I'm building this new product and talking about it publically. But, I'm not giving anyone interested in the product a way of expressing their interest beyond the simple engagement metrics on Twitter.

This got me thinking, I need to build a landing/marketing page for the product so people can actually express their interest in the idea and a waiting list for the product can slowly but surely begin to grow.

So, this week I wanted to share the five sections of a landing page that I'm planning on including on Harken's and ultimately what I believe every landing page for a to-be-released product should include.

Overview of the problem

Odds are if you're building a product and then are going to ask people to pay for it, it solves a problem in some way. So, for people to see the value in your product and/or idea, they need to understand the problem you're solving.

For this reason, one of the first things on your landing page should be an overview of the problem you're solving and most importantly how your product solves it. This establishes the motivation behind your product and how it will benefit the user.


After establishing the problem you're solving and how you solve it at a high level, move on to the features of your product. You don't need to list every feature you're going to offer, just the headline ones are okay. Think of the big features of your product that will make your users' lives easier, they're the ones to list.

Between the first section and this one, we want to show the user what they're getting from us and why we're worth their money.

Pre-launch signup offer

If your first two sections are good, there is chance people will be interested in your product and want to use it. Now, because we're talking about to-be-released products here, there isn't actually a product for them to use right away.

But, instead of letting them just leave the page and forget about us, let's present the user with a limited-time offer to get lifetime access to our product once it launches.

On the surface, this sounds a bit weird, we're asking someone to pay for a product they won't get access to for potentially months. But, there is a good reason for this; if people pay for a product before they have access to we know they believe in the idea and therefore there is a market for it and the idea is worth pursuing.

The key to pulling this section off is transparency, tell the customer the product hasn't launched yet so they know where they stand. And, also because they're taking a risk on us by buying a product that doesn't exist yet, make it risk-free for them. Tell them if the product isn't ready by the targetted release date they can get a 100% refund, no questions asked.

This way, we take all the risk and in return for the customer putting their trust in us, they get lifetime access to our product once it launches.

Win-win for everyone! 💪


No doubt after the user goes through the first three sections, especially the pre-launch offer, they're going to have questions. So, make sure to include a FAQ section to include answers to the most common questions people might have. This helps to cut down on the amount you might get through emails, socials, etc.

Here are some example questions you could answer.

  • When will the product launch?
  • Can I get a refund on my lifetime offer?
  • What plans will be on offer? What are the differences between them?

Newsletter sign-up form

Finally, we have the trusty newsletter sign-up form. This is another great way to gauge interest in your product alongside the number of people who pay for the lifetime offer. If people are choosing to give you their emails, the odds are they're interested in your product and want to hear more about it.

Also, collecting people's emails gives us another chance to market our limited lifetime offer before the product launch. If we didn't have the newsletter sign-up form, we would have one opportunity to market our offer and that's it but by giving people the option to sign up for our newsletter for things like exclusive content and offers, we get the opportunity to market the offer again.

These are the things I believe should be included in a good marketing/landing page for a to-be-released product but what do you think? Do you think I got them right? Or, are some of these ideas overkill? Or, should other sections be included as well? Reply to this email and let me know your thoughts. 💬

Thank you for reading as always.

Coner x

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